Traffic Lights
The Green, Amber, Red system.
In the traffic light system, colours are used to communicate boundaries. Colours are simple, one-word statements that are designed to minimise the amount of thought needs to express a problem during times of stress and allow it to be expressed quickly.
These are not exclusive safety mechanisms. For example, if a player appears to be in distress or is telling you to "Stop" then apply common sense.
Red means boundaries have been crossed and the other played needs to back away immediately. This gives the player who said "Red" a chance to catch their breath, move to a different part of the game, talk to a referee, communicate their needs in more detail to the other player, or whatever other action they see fit to take.
Amber or Yellow means that the current level of play is alright but it should not be escalated.
Green means that the current level of fine and some escalation would be acceptable. It can be used as a question. In the earlier example where the player was saying "Stop", the person they are interacting with might step back a little and ask "Green?" if they were unsure if the other player was roleplaying or in genuine distress.