Booking Process


People wishing to attend should fill out the booking form linked from the event page. Spaces are filled on a first-come-first-served basis. For a three week period, some spaces are reserved for new players. Players applying for a space will be waitlisted if no spaces are available. Players will be informed if their booking is successful within three weeks of booking opening.


Our ticket allocation policy is designed to:

  • Reward game runners for the work they do in making the event happen
  • Encourage new players to join the community
  • Provide sufficient notice to players so they can plan their time

Before booking opens

The lead referee for each game will be offered two tickets to games of their choice and one ticket to their game which can be allocated at their discretion.

When booking opens (on the advertised date)

Available places will be divided into two groups (for each game).

Half (rounded down) will be reserved for players who have not attended a UK Freeforms In-Person event before (Group 1)

The rest will be open to all (Group 2).

There will also be a wait list (Group 3).

Bookings will be taken on a first-come-first-served basis using Google Forms.

The booking system allows a number of preferences and requirements to be specified by players (for example, a player travelling a long way may wish to only come if they can play games in the morning and afternoon). The choices made on the booking form will taken into a account by the organisers when they are at odds with the standard approach below.

New players will be allocated to Group 1 if possible. If Group 1 is full they will be allocated to Group 2. If Group 2 is full they will be allocated to Group 3.

Players who have attended a UK Freeforms Event before will be allocated to Group 2 if possible. If Group 2 is full they will be allocated to Group 3.

The Google Forms system has an optional “Send email acknowledgements to submitters” feature which will be turned on to confirm the booking has been received.

Three weeks after booking opens

The priority system for new players ends.

Groups 1 and 2 will be merged into a single group (Players).

Any spaces in the Players group will be filled from the front of Group 3.

Members of the Players group will be contacted telling them that they are successful and asking them to confirm they want their places and pay. They will have 7 days to confirm and 14 days to pay.

Members of Group 3 will be contacted telling them that the games have been filled and that they are on the waitlist. They will be reminded that players have 2 weeks to confirm and pay and asked if they want to remain on the waitlist (a) until any changes in space availability after two weeks (b) until nearer the event or (c) not at all.